Methods and techniques regarding non-formal education

A. Ștefîrța, Metode și tehnici de educație nonformală în Conferința “Preocupări contemporane ale științelor socio-umane,” Chișinău, Republica Moldova, 2015.

Game – a pedagogical perspective

S. Cristea, Jocul – o perspectivă pedagogică, Revista Didactica Pro, revistă de teorie și practică educațională, nr. 2(60) / 2010. Cristea. Jocul – o perspectiva pedagogica Title: Cristea. Jocul – o perspectiva pedagogica

Mix & Match

Learning aims What happens if we change the topic of your game? Does the mechanism and structure need to change too? Try to apply a completely different topic to your game structure and see what happens! What if your card game needs to become a role-play game? What does a digital version of your board game […]

Evolve Your Brief

Learning aims Once you have an evolved version of your game that had been implemented thanks to some testing and feedback sessions, you can decide to have some fun by working on it on different perspectives. Materials needed Updated game prototypes Notes from previous feedback sessions Paper, pens, and markers for brainstorming Whiteboard or large […]

Feedback Matrix: Tool

Learning aims To facilitate the feedback harvesting you can use different tools, here the one we designed in order to give structure to the collection of opinions, doubts and ideas. Materials needed Printed Feedback Matrix templates Pens/markers Whiteboard or wall space for display Sticky notes Duration and setting 20-30 minutes Process description – what has […]

Feedback Bazar [after Manual Essential Canvas Working Session]

Learning aims Every group attach their filled canvas on a white board/wall located in different areas of the space.  1 participant per group will stay close to the whiteboard to explain the canvas to other groups’ participants  2 participants per group  go around and collect their feedback on the work of the other groups. Materials […]

Like & Wish

Learning aims Ask the participant to write down one LIKE (something they particularly enjoyed about the project, something they thing stands out particularly) and one WISH (something they feel is missed in the project and they would like to see implement in it in future versions) Materials needed Paper, post-it notes Pens Duration and setting […]

Open Test Session

Learning aims It’s time to test the game! A first pre-test could be done after the Game Building Session, asking other participants in the workshop to test each other’s games (valid for workshop sessions with more than one group). The participant will be now asked to go outside and test their game. First of all, […]

Game Building

Learning aims It’s time to build the first prototype of your game! For doing this, you will need to provide participants with construction materials such as paper, carton, old magazines, markers, colors, wires and so on.  The idea is to create a playable prototype with all the elements needed for the play-session. This is still […]

Game Essentials Canva

Learning aims   This Canvas was designed to systematize the decisions made during the previous phases of the process, giving them a structure on which further develop the play mechanisms, rules, objectives of the game and the visual/narrative identity.  This canvas will then serve as a basis to start creating the first prototype of the […]