The principle of co-creation in management

V. Chicu, Principiul co-creării în management și didactică universitară, Revista Didactica Pro, revistă de teorie și practică educațională, nr. 2-3/2020. Chicu Principiul co-crearii in management Title: Chicu Principiul co-crearii in management

Research through projects

L. Bărbuică, Cercetarea prin proiect, Argument, nr. 7/2015.

A Dell research on co-creation

E.L. Alexa, M. Alexa, S. Avaliscăi, O cercetare empirică asupra inovării deschise și co-creării: proiectul Ideastorm al complaniei Dell, Review of Management and Economic Engineering, nr. 4(13) / 2014. Cercetare empirica Dell Title: Cercetare empirica Dell

Co-creation Workshop for Building an Experience

Learning aims The aim of this activity is to collaboratively build a participatory science action by leveraging the diverse knowledge, skills, attitudes, and preferences of team members. The target group includes individuals involved in participatory science projects, such as researchers, educators, community members, and stakeholders interested in developing a collective experience.   Materials needed Poster […]

Visual Map Creation

Learning aims The aim of this activity is to help participants explore and visualize their passions, strengths, and the needs of the world to enhance self-awareness and collaboration. Inspired by the Japanese concept of “ikigai,” the activity is designed for individuals involved in personal development or team-building contexts. The target group includes those seeking to […]

Co-creation Fever Canvas

Learning aims This activity aims to measure the level of preparedness and willingness of participants to engage in the co-creation process. The “Thermometer” is an interactive and reflective tool that allows participants to evaluate their readiness in various aspects of co-creation, such as collaboration, openness to discussion, and ability to actively contribute. It is particularly […]

Starfish Retrospective

Learning aims The aim of the Starfish Retrospective activity is to help teams reflect on their actions and activities in a structured manner that goes beyond traditional evaluations. This technique encourages teams to consider what practices are adding value and what needs adjustment, fostering a more detailed and constructive review process. The target group includes […]

Journey Map

Learning aims The aim of this activity is to help participants visualize and understand a customer’s or user’s experience through a journey map. The journey map represents a person’s experience over time, visualizing all significant phases and interactions. This activity is intended for project teams, customer experience managers, and professionals involved in designing and improving […]

Agenda Creation

Learning aims The aim of this activity is to effectively organize and plan activities and responsibilities over a specified period, such as a day, week, or month. This activity is designed for project teams, managers, or individuals involved in planning and coordination tasks. The target group includes those who need to structure their time and […]

Fever Canvas

This activity aims to measure the level of preparedness and willingness of participants to engage in the co-creation process. The “Thermometer” is an interactive and reflective tool that allows participants to evaluate their readiness in various aspects of co-creation, such as collaboration, openness to discussion, and ability to actively contribute. It is particularly useful for […]