Poster Making

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to help the group leaders find different ways in which they can foster disagreement in a safe environment when presenting or engaging with citizens. Materials needed 1. Human Resources: Facilitators: Experienced facilitators or community organizers who can guide the activity process, foster participation, and manage discussions. […]

Tackling hecklers

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to equip the group leaders with the necessary tools to intervene when someone interrupts the activities and understand the resources available to them when handling hecklers. Materials needed   1. Human Resources: Facilitators: Experienced facilitators or community organizers who can guide the activity process, foster participation, […]

Involving the community: How to decide where to initiate activities

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to help the group leaders understand the importance of including the community when choosing the space in which to do the activities. The group leaders should take into account the comfortable choice of exploring the activities within the safe environment of the community, or the more […]


Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to promote creative thinking when devising a safe scientific environment, as well as critical thinking for deciding what are the most impactful elements that would help such an environment thrive. In a nutshell, the group leaders will follow a series of brainstorming and debating exercises in […]

Engaging your participants

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to help the group leaders find various ways in which they can engage their participants, by starting with one activity that does not require the active participation of the audience. The idea behind this activity is to broaden the horizons of the scientists and group leaders, […]

Activity creation

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to help the group leaders understand ways in which they can engage their participants. In a nutshell, the group leaders will be invited to find innovative ways in which to deliver a scientific topic by engaging their participants in one of the following three types of […]

Communicating Science

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to help the participants understand the three ways of communicating a scientific talk and the proper contexts to deliver them. The group leaders will understand the importance of each of the three forms of communicating science: dialogue, debate and monologue, and the advantages and disadvantages of […]

Communicating Science

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to help the participants understand the three ways of communicating a scientific talk and the proper contexts to deliver them. The group leaders will understand the importance of each of the three forms of communicating science: dialogue, debate and monologue, and the advantages and disadvantages of […]

Turning a monologue into a dialogue

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to help the participants understand the differences and similarities between a monologue and a dialogue and the tools available to turn a monologue into a dialogue. Often in science, we are familiarized with a monologue from the scientist, usually in the form of a talk, conference […]

Overcoming Barriers

Learning aims The primary aim of this activity is to help the participants understand the possible impediments they could face when initiating or coordinating a dialogue and encourage them to find creative solutions to address these impediments. As group leaders, the participants in this activity should be prepared with the necessary tools to address issues […]