Module 2 – Session 6 – Activity 1

In this activity, participants learn how to identify the people they need for their project based on the analysis of the tasks in the previous sessions. Depending on the size of the project, this can vary from only a few people to a really large team. The activity is suitable for researchers and citizens in a group or individual learning setting. Sessions #1 through #5 should be carried out beforehand.

Participants learn to plan project phases, distribute tasks among the phases and consider which people or organizations are required to complete the tasks in which phase.

Materials needed

Duration and setting

  • Setting: Single or group work
  • Execution: 60 minutes

Process description – what has to be done

Step 1 – Estimate your project phases (5 minutes)

Take the team planning template and enter the estimated dates for the three phases.


Step 2 – Enter tasks (30 minutes)

Take your project plan from Session #5, Activity 3, and enter all relevant tasks in the respective section of the team plan. Use the team planning example as a reference for possible tasks. If your project requires additional sections, add them to the document or delete the sections you do not need.

Aufgaben für das Team

Step 3 – Highlight relevant phases (10 minutes)

Go through the table and highlight in which phase each task will be performed. This helps you to get a first impression which people you will need in which phase of the project. Highlight relevant cells with a color.

Aufgaben pro Projektphase

Step 4 – Enter responsible people (15 minutes)

If you already know who will take on a specific task in the project, enter the name. If a task is carried out by an external partner, enter the name of the organization. This gives you an overview of the areas or tasks for which you need to find additional team members.

Learning Outcomes – which skills are addressed?

Participants learn to plan project phases, distribute tasks among the phases and consider which people or organizations are required to complete the tasks in which phase.

How do you check the outcomes are reached?

The participants filled out the team planning template and entered people that can take over the tasks.

De-Briefing questions

  • Do you have the feeling that you could list all the relevant tasks?
  • Do you think it is feasible to fill the vacancies?
  • Who or what could help you to fill the vacancies?

References – further information