Science Citizens Hub
This place is for Educators Scientists Teachers Community leaders Policy makers
EU project ID: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000086086
📊 Evaluate your expertise and contribute – Take a self-assessment to reflect on your experience while sharing your smart practices with the community
📄 Access the state-of-the-art report to stay updated on best practices
🗺 Practice map – Discover real-world applications
📂 Repository – Access valuable research and case studies
🎓 Learning modules & Handbook – Deepen your understanding
🎥 Videos – Watch inspiring stories and tutorials
📦 Playbox – Interactive tools and exercises
📑 Manuals – Step-by-step guides to get started
🌍 Map of the community – Discover and connect with fellow practitioners
💬 Forum – Exchange ideas, ask questions, and share insights
The approach of Citizens Science is an innovative methodology, involving both top-down but as well from a grass-root level learners and citizens to be involved in research and science.
Our mission is to advance citizen science through knowledge sharing, collaboration, capacity building, and advocacy.
The project aims to encourage broad and meaningful participation in citizen science through promoting inclusive and collaborative partnerships and facilitating a community that shares practices, knowledge, and tools to bring recognition to the value and impact of citizen science.