Erasmus Plus is financed by the European Union. The European Commission support to produce this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Creating a safe space for volunters
/by danielnublingLearning aims This activity sensitizes the participants to the special situation and the vulnerability of the volunteers. The activity gives inspiration how participants create a space where volunteers feel safe. The activity is suitable for researchers and citizens in a group or individual learning setting. Session #1 – #2 and activity 3 of this session […]
Managing expectation
/by danielnublingLearning aims This activity expands on the results of Session #3, Activity 3: Managing interests and expectations. In this activity, participants will take a closer look at all the people involved in the project and their expectations. Participants will develop strategies on how to address and fulfill these expectations. The activity is suitable for researchers […]
Building a community
/by danielnublingLearning aims Every Citizen Science project has its roots in the community that supports and contributes to the project. In this activity, participants will reflect on the motivations of researchers and volunteers and how to build a community based on these motivations. Participants will learn about different approaches to building a community and find out […]