Some of the key-points that came out at our Consortium Meeting in Gothenburg, by Anders Pettersson [Changemaker].

Exploring food and urban sustainability field.

We had a great and thorough start in Berlin of Scie-Citizens, materializing in LEGO-constructions. The tour on Circular Economy in Berlin did inspire us deeply at Changemaker.

We decided to make a follow up in Gothenburg in the sign of food and urban sustainable development. Lectures on smart Scie-Citizens practises together with foodmaking and a guided tour to a new local development center outside Gothenburg, for learning, doing and developing knowledge and know-how on local, sustainable food production and retail.

How did we explored it? We visited the working site of Garveriet i Floda, an inspiring place where knowledge and curiosity about innovative sustainability and local, small-scale food production are given the opportunity to grow. We met Matts Johansson who explained us the mission and the vision of this place that will be opened at the end of 2018.

Conference rooms for inspirational lectures on innovative sustainability and future food production, kitchen spaces for tasting and cooking events with local and seasonal products but also restaurants and sustainable businesses in a common space: all that and more will be Garveriet!